Membership Levels
Become an LTS Member and save on exciting programs, retreats, and Festivals
Basic (annual)
Silver (annual)
15% Discount on all Programs (including Courses and sattology International Festival)
LTS Trainer Certification Program 50% off
50% discount on 1 Retreat
TME* 2-Hour Session Saturdays and Sundays at Aditya Satsangi's house in San Diego (family members invited!) 10AM-Noon PST
*Transcending the Mind
Gold (annual)
20% Discount on all Programs (including Courses and sattology International Festival)
LTS Trainer Certification Program Free
50% discount on 2 Retreats
TME* 2-Hour Session Saturdays and Sundays at Aditya Satsangi's house in San Diego (family members invited!) 10AM-Noon PST
*Transcending the Mind